Install the CLI


Install the CLI

First, install the CLI using your terminal.

npm i -g @basictech/cli

Login to Basic using the CLI

Run basic login to create your basic admin account. You will be redirected to a web page to login.

basic login

Create / integrate a project


Initialize the Basic CLI

Navigate to your project directory and run basic init to create your project.

cd project-name
basic init

You will be prompted to choose between creating a new project or integrating an existing project.


Create or integrate a project

Choose your tech stack and project name.

Create a project

Integrate an existing project

That’s it! You now have a new project created. You’ll even notice a new basic.config.ts / basic.config.js file in your project directory with your project ID included!

If you run basic init in a codebase with an existing basic.config.ts file (e.g., created using via create-lofi-app), you’ll notice that the project_id in your basic.config.ts file gets automatically updated.

Other CLI commands

View all commands

basic help

Other commands include:

  • basic account - Show account information
  • basic logout - logout from your basic account
  • basic status - Show login status
  • basic projects - list your projects
  • basic version - Show CLI version
  • basic update - Update CLI to the latest version
  • basic debug - Show Basic config directory location