For built-in local-first benefits like offline and multiplayer support, please use the Basic SDK


  1. The user beings the flow by clicking a “Sign in with Basic” button in your app
  2. User is redirected to a login page
  3. The user can login with which grants them permissions to your app
  4. redirects the user back to your app with an authorization code
  5. Your app can exchange the authorization code for access and refresh tokens. With the access token, you can make database requests and keep the user logged in. If the access token expires, you can use the refresh token to get a new access token

With this, you’ll be ready to access the user’s database!

Authentication with API

Basic uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication. For more details, read about Basic Auth.


Redirect user to /authorize

Create a button that redirects the user to the Basic Auth page, with the following required parameters (more info on required parameters):

  • client_id='YOUR_CLIENT_ID'
  • redirect_uri='YOUR_REDIRECT_URI'
  • response_type=code
  • scope=profile
  • state='YOUR_STATE'

Redirect URL template:

Make sure to replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID, YOUR_REDIRECT_URI, YOUR_STATE with your own values


User grants access and is redirected back to your app with an authorization code

The authorization code will be in the URL as a code query parameter. For example:

You need to extract the code from the URL and use it in the next step.


Exchange the authorization code for an access token and a refresh code

Make a post request to /token with the authorization code in the body. The response will be a JSON object with the access token and a refresh code.

Token URL template:

Make sure to replace YOUR_CODE with your own values


Using the access token and refresh code

The access token is used to make requests to the API as part of the request header (e.g., Authorization: Bearer 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'), and the refresh code is used to get a new access token when the current access token expires.

Basic access tokens expire after 1 hour

Using the database

You can use the REST API to read and write to the user’s database. Checkout the API Reference to get started. Before making any requests, you should validate that the access token is not expired.